12 Days of Costmas Summary

During December 2021, my Costs Lawyer colleagues, Karl Robson and Kris Kilsby, prepared twelve blogs covering a range of topics from that year.  I thought it would be useful to have them all on the same document, and they can be found here on the Paramount website.  They are worth a quick read.

The topics covered a wide range of costs related case law and developments.  Of course, budgeting was covered, including the Precedent T form, and the consequences of not serving a Budget in time.  There were also articles regarding the much awaited hourly rate review, Part 36 consequences, Qocs, and DBAs.  There were also two topics which I think we have not yet seen the last of, namely the extension of fixed costs and the ongoing relationship, or lack of, between Solicitor and former Client and the “informed consent” situation.

As always, if I or any of my colleagues can be of any assistance, then please do not hesitate to contact us, and details can be found here.

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